Tip 14: Be personable

There’s a Chinese proverb that says “A man without a smiling face should not open a shop.” This is absolutely true! Have a (genuine) smiling face, and be warm, friendly, and personable with your customers. It gives them a sense that you actually want them to be there with you in your business. Help your customers feel as at home and comfortable as possible whenever they interact with your business.


  1. Hey there!


2. When I went to Whole Foods for my weekly grocery run, I was delighted when one of the workers helped me load my cart onto the conveyor belt to check-out. Then he started chatting me up about the almond butter he spotted in my cart, and we proceeded to discuss our mutual addiction to almond butter and apples. He was personable indeed. And just one of the many reasons why I love going to Whole Foods.


  1. Greet every customer with a smile. It’s still totally free, and it translates into every language. 🙂
  2. If being personable isn’t your thing (you would much rather prefer not talking to people), consider getting someone on your team who is. They can help pick up the slack on an important area that shouldn’t be ignored in your business. They can help pick up the slack on an important area that shouldn’t be ignored.

Application for your business

  1. Write down three ways you can easily be personable with your customers to help them feel welcome in your business in person.
  2. Write down three ways you can easily be personable with your customers when interacting with them online.

Previous tips

  1. Act like you want your customers to stick around
  2. See your customers as individuals
  3. Use the sweetest sound in any language
  4. Remember your customers’ names
  5. Pay attention to your customers
  6. Engage your customers
  7. Get to know your customers
  8. Listen to your customers
  9. Don’t let your customers hear the sound of crickets
  10. Get feedback from your customers
  11. Remember their love for peanut butter
  12. Understand your customers’ needs
  13. Remember special occasions