Tip 31: Always be one or two steps ahead

New technology pops up, new challenges appear, and often customers are looking for solutions to help them navigate through their situation. Those companies who are able to have a solution in place to solve customers’ problems before they even know they need to ask are the ones that customers appreciate and find invaluable.


  1. Requirements for emailing customers in Canada changed recently. I had no idea until I saw a post come through my inbox from Copyblogger summarizing the changes, and what I needed to do as a result. I always appreciate how Copyblogger is steps ahead of me, ready to inform me of what I need to know.
  2. A lot of companies provide Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on their site. By anticipating questions customers will have and answering questions they’ve received tons of times before, businesses are able to answer questions on the spot, and stay ahead of the game.


  1. Stay on top of trends and happenings going on in your industry. That way, as changes pop up, you can be the one to let your customers know about what’s going on, and how it impacts them. Your leadership in this regard will make them want to follow you even more.
  2. Sometimes being one or two steps ahead of your customers is just about anticipating challenges and needs they will have based upon what you’ve seen other customers do, or from your own experience. So when you’re able to provide a solution for a common challenge in advance, you can help to steer your customers in the right direction.

Application for your business

  1. Write down three sources of information you will stay connected to so you can stay on top of changes in your industry.
  2. What are the three most frequently asked questions you get from your customers or potential customers? Write down ways to answer those questions in advance, or provide solutions to those questions when the need arises.

Previous tips

1-22. Build a relationship with your customers (series)

23. Solve your customers’ problem

24. Know your stuff

25. Add value

26. Do what you say you’re going to do

27. Exceed your customers’ expectations

28. Be a purple cow

29. Be consistent

30. Be accessible