On a white background we can see many white tiles with jumbled black letters and numbers.

Ep. 15: Getting Started with Inclusive Language for Your Brand with Nailah King

Words matter! They have the power to uplift and include, as well as tear down and exclude.
In your quest to make your audience feel like they belong with you, it’s essential to use inclusive language. But how do you start creating written content that creates a culture of belonging?

Nailah King, founder of The Content Witches, shares insights into how conscious business leaders can learn to craft messaging that helps foster transformative change and create a sense belonging within their communities.

Welcome to Inclusion and Marketing, the show that’s all about helping you win the attention, adoration and loyalty of more consumers, especially those with differences that are often ignored by brands. I’m your host, Sonia Thompson, a marketer and someone with a lot of differences. Let’s get to it.     

My conversation with Nailah also covers

  • What is inclusive language and what is its connection to belonging?
  • Idioms, binaries, appropriation, and other examples of language that can be harmful
  • How can you determine if your content isn’t inclusive or needs an update? How can you maintain transparency throughout the process?
  • How to use tools like etymonline.com
  • Essential forms of content governance include inclusive language policies and brand style guides.


The Content Witches

Free Inclusive Language 101 Email Mini-Course

10 Inclusive Language Writing Tips

How Conscientious Writing Fits Into Your Content Strategy

5 Signs of Conscientious Messaging


Access the full transcript of the episode here.

If you like the show, I’d love it if you’d subscribe to the channel and leave a rating interview for it. It really does help the show and helps others discover it. And wouldn’t it be great if there were more people practicing inclusion and making more people feel like they belong? I think so. Also, I want to hear from you. If you have a question, a comment on this episode, a previous episode or in general, or if you would just wanna say hi, I like those kinds of messages too. Send me a voicemail at inclusivemarketing.co/voicemail. That’s inclusive marketing.co/voicemail. I’d love to feature your question and comments on the show.

Until next time. Remember, everyone deserves to have a place where they belong. Let’s use our individual and collective power to ensure more people feel like they do.

Somebody’s waiting on you.

Thanks for listening.